| Sites of Personal Interest |
Teresa Henchar - Artist Portfolio at Absolutearts.com This one is to my art web page, where you can buy artwork I painted. Passing Shadow Here's my brother's web site. He's got poems and other works of literature. And a goofy comic of his own. Here's a fan's site. Visit here and read his writings. Twilight's End Here's my friend Amy's web site. She's silly. She's also got some fantastic downloads for the Sims and some computer generated art. |
Webcomic Sites Unaffiliated with Keenspace | |
(This goes to the Old Funny Papers Top 200 List, not the new one) |
Jackie Lee | Terri | Bethany |
Inking by Caroline Kaneshiro | Art, Story, and Site Design by Teresa Henchar | Coloring by Amy McIntyre |